HEIHEI Kid Streaming Platform
Embarking on a mission to revolutionize the way kids stream content, I am collaborating with a talented team of experts that includes a Creative Director, UX Architect, and Art Director. As the UI Designer, I am entrusted with the task of designing a responsive platform that offers high-fidelity visuals across all devices. My primary focus is to ensure that the design is distinctive, eye-catching and easy-to-use for kids.
Our team is working tirelessly to craft and create the most user-friendly streaming site for kids. We have put our design through rigorous user experience testing to gain a comprehensive understanding of how kids interact with it. Based on the test findings, we make adjustments and tweaks to the design and structure to improve the platform's usability and appeal to our target audience. With our unwavering dedication and commitment to creating a memorable streaming experience, we are confident that our platform will set the benchmark for kid-friendly streaming platforms.